Beef Curry ‘Malay Style’

Gluten free, Low FODMAP When I struggled with digestive troubles (IBS after an infection), I was unable to eat gluten and FODMAPs (fruit and vegetables high in sugars like fructose, mannitol, polyols etc.) which meant a lot of meals were difficult for me to enjoy. ...

Secret problem foods

What, if any are your secret problem foods? Are there foods that you crave, eat regularly, notice symptoms after eating? I had a client with digestive problems who was tired of feeling unwell by mid-morning each day.  Everyday 1-2 hours after breakfast she experienced...
Nutritional Therapy and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nutritional Therapy and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Does your joint pain impact you getting on with living, exercising, working? Is it worse on waking? Does it leave you feeling tired and wanting to regain your vitality? Perhaps you have tried things to help alleviate the pain and increase mobility (e.g. heat,...
Wind- a clue for digestive health

Wind- a clue for digestive health

Wind (gas) can provide clues about digestive health. Upper wind can result in symptoms like belching, reflux, nausea. Lower wind can result in symptoms like bloating, heavy feeling, abdominal pain, and flatulence. Upper wind Do you belch? Perhaps you have other...
Protein Balls

Protein Balls

My clients have said ‘simple’ and ‘tasty’ for my protein balls recipe! A quick snack to keep energy levels balanced.  A delicious mouthful of energy in two flavours, chocolate, and vanilla.  I adapted a recipe from my friend and colleague...