Hi, I’m Holly Blenkinsopp!
I believe that no one needs to live with the pain or embarrassment of digestive troubles. I specialise in helping women, men and children with digestive problems and IBS.
My mission is to help you understand and manage your health so you can enjoy your life. I know how to support you using my knowledge of nutrition, the body and my personal experience of IBS.
I know how hard it is to live with digestive problems, lose the enjoyment of eating, fear leaving the house, and struggle with pain and tiredness every day. I avoided foods that I thought upset me, lost weight, and had time off work. I got my energy and control of my health back by understanding my triggers and making nutrition and lifestyle changes with the help of a professional. I could enjoy my life again – time with family, singing, and the outdoors. This inspired me to train at the College of Nutrition, Education and Lifestyle Management (CNELM) to help people like you.
Everyone experiences digestive issues differently. Working with me takes you on your own journey to learn about your unique triggers and manage your symptoms. Together, we can identify which foods you tolerate better than others, adapt recipes and explore lifestyle factors. Diagnostic testing can also be used to identify food sensitivities, nutrient imbalances, and to personalise supplementation.

Working with me takes you on your own journey to learn about your unique triggers and manage your symptoms.
Free 30 Minute 'Meet me' call
Book now for a free ‘meet me’ call and start your journey now to get back on with living
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Badgemore House,
Badgemore Park,
Henley on Thames,