Digestive Fitness

Digestive Fitness

Digestive fitness is important for everyday wellbeing.  What is your first clue that your digestive system needs support?excess gas? reflux? abdominal discomfort or pain? bloating? mucus in your throat? burping? changes in your poo?  Digestive fitness is the ability...
My covid experience and what I did nutritionally

My covid experience and what I did nutritionally

Every experience in life teaches us something.  Lots of people have had covid now, sadly too many people have died, and many people have had greater disease severity and more serious health consequences than me.  I am grateful that my covid experience wasn’t...
What does constipation mean to you?

What does constipation mean to you?

Some people think it is not being regular, i.e., having a daily bowel motion.  Regularity supports the body to eliminate waste, but constipation is also determined by what kind of stools you have.  If your daily poo isn’t sausage shaped, soft, easy to pass and...
Are you fighting those sugar cravings?

Are you fighting those sugar cravings?

Balancing your intake of carbohydrate, protein and beneficial fats in all meals and snacks can help you balance your blood sugar levels and reduce your cravings. Blood sugar levels can impact your energy levels and sugary foods can feed bacteria in the intestines that...

Beef Curry ‘Malay Style’

Gluten free, Low FODMAP When I struggled with digestive troubles (IBS after an infection), I was unable to eat gluten and FODMAPs (fruit and vegetables high in sugars like fructose, mannitol, polyols etc.) which meant a lot of meals were difficult for me to enjoy. ...